Sampling from high-dimensional (truncated) log-concave densities with GeomScale: A Gentle Introduction
21 Jul 2020This article serves as a reference article for my Google Summer of Code 2020 internship at the GeomScale organization. The project repository can be found here.
Problem Definition
A particularly interesting problem in statistics is taking samples from a density of the form \(\pi(x) \propto \exp(-f(x))\) where \(f(x)\) is a convex function. To give the interested reader a quick glance into the problem, consider the logistic regression problem where \(f\) has a form of
where \(\{x_i, y_i \}_{i =1}^m\) is a set of \(m\) samples. This kind of distribution is called log-concave since the logarithm of \(\pi(x) \propto \exp(-f(x))\) is a concave function. Log-concave distributions are pretty common, and emerge in a variety of fields: classical statistics, statistical physics, financial economics, neural networks, and optimal control; to name a few. Getting samples from a log-concave density directly poses a significant problem since one has to calculate the normalization constant
where \(K\) is the support of the distribution. Computing \(Z\) is very hard, even for simple distributions, and one has to reside in better ideas than direct computation in order to sample efficiently.
Markov Chain Monte Carlo
A solution to this problem brings the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Algorithm which simulates a Markov Chain with a stationary distribution identical to the target distribution. Multiple chains are developed, starting from a set of points arbitrarily chosen and sufficiently distant from each other. These chains move around randomly according to an algorithm that looks for places with a reasonably high contribution to the integral to move into next, assigning them higher probabilities. The general MCMC algorithm proceeds as follows:
Initialize the Markov Chain to an initial state \(x_0 \sim \pi_0\) where \(\pi_0\) is a (carefully) chosen initial distribution.
At each step \(t\), where the sampler is at state \(x_t\), make a proposal from a neighboring state \(\tilde x_t\) and set \(x_{t + 1} = \tilde x_t\) with probability equal to \(\min \left \{ 1, \frac {\pi(\tilde x_t)} {\pi(x_t)} \right \}\) . Otherwise, set \(x_{t + 1} = x_t\). This probability filter is called a Metropolis filter and gives the algorithm incentive to move towards areas of higher density. (Note that the more general transition probability is equal to \(\min \left \{ 1, \frac {a(\tilde x_t \mid x_t) \pi(\tilde x_t)} {a(x_t \mid \tilde x_t) \pi(x_t)} \right \}\) and \(a(. \mid .)\) is a transition distribution between the states, which is usually taken to be symmetric).

Figure. Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approximates the blue distribution with the orange distribution Source
The speed of approximation of the desired distribution is called the mixing time of the Markov Chain. The samples from the mixed chains can be used to perform classical Monte Carlo integration via the ergodic sum, that is for a function \(g\) one has to calculate the quantity
which is approximated by the ergodic sum of \(T\) samples
where \(\{ x_t \}_{t \in [T]}\) is a series of samples. The ergodic theorem states that for \(T \to \infty\) the sum and the integral coincide, which gives MCMC methods a very powerful advantage application-wise (more below). Back to the algorithm, the next important question becomes
In a continuous process how does one choose the proposal point \(\tilde x\) given the current position of the walker at \(x\)?
The following section partially answers this question.
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm introduced by Duane et al. (1987) assumes the existence of an imaginary particle with a state \((x, v) \in \mathbb R^d \times \mathbb R^d\) where \(x\) is the position (the variable we want to sample from) and \(v\) is the velocity of the particle. In most applications, the auxiliary variable \(v\) comes from a normal distribution, that is \(v \sim \mathcal N (0, I_d)\). The HMC algorithm aims to sample from the joint density \(\pi(x, v) = \pi(x) \pi(v \mid x)\). The negative logarithm of the joint density defines a Hamiltonian Function
One can note that if \(\pi(x) = \exp(-f(x))\), then \(\mathcal U(x) = f(x)\). Moreover, usually the variable \(v\) is independent of \(x\) and thus the Hamiltonian depends on \(v\) only. Now, starting from an initial state, the walker generates proposals via evolving Hamilton’s equations, that is
It is straightforward to observe that the Hamiltonian \(\mathcal H(x, v)\) is preserved over time, that is
since the stationary measure is proportional to \(\pi(x, v) \propto \exp(- \mathcal H(x,v))\) one can simulate this process and then integrate out \(v\) to keep samples from \(\pi(x)\). Ideally, if a computer had infinite precision, we could simulate the equations for some time and gather samples without using the Metropolis filter due to the preservation of the Hamiltonian. However, in a computer simulation one has to use a numerical integrator to solve Hamilton’s equations. From now on, we assume the simple form of the Hamiltonian
In a computer, the HMC equations are usually solved using the leapfrog integrator more specifically the equations evolve according to the following rule
The algorithm produces a proposal \((\tilde x, \tilde v)\) doing a half-step for the velocity term, then doing a full-step to upgrade the position and, finally, another half-step to update the velocity. Then, one uses a Metropolis filter to measure the change in the Hamiltonian, that is \(\min \{ 1, \exp(\mathcal H(x, v) - \mathcal H(\tilde x, \tilde v)) \}\). The leapfrog integrator has an error of \(O(\eta^3)\) per step and \(O(\eta^2)\) globally. Note here that someone can use other ODE solvers, such as the Euler method, Runge-Kutta or the Collocation Method to solve the resulting ODE, each one with different guarantees regarding the error, the step and the mixing time of the walkers. Currently, GeomScale supports the following solvers for HMC as part of GSoC 2020
- Euler Method.
- Runge-Kutta Method.
- Leapfrog Method.
- Collocation Method (both for the differential and the integral equations).
- Richardson Extrapolation.
Solving HMC in a truncated setting
A more challenging, from an algorithmic standpoint, setting is when the distribution \(\pi(x)\) is truncated to a convex body. More specifically if \(\pi(x)\) has support \(K\) then the truncation of \(\pi\) to \(S \subseteq K\) is defined as
The adjustment to the HMC equations is that in the truncated setting, is imposing reflections of the particle at the boundary \(\partial S\) . From a computational viewpoint, in the case of the leapfrog integrator, one has to find the point at which the trajectory between \(x\) and \(\tilde x\) , that is \(tx + (1 - t)\tilde x\) for \(t \in [0, 1]\), intersects with some boundary, that corresponds to the smallest \(t_0 \in [0, 1]\) such that the point \(t_0 x + (1 - t_0) \tilde x \in \partial S\). The resulting boundary point is used as a pivot point for the reflection of the position and the velocity term. In its simplest case, one can use the Cyrus-Beck algorithm to calculate this intersection.
For example, for an H-polytope \(H = \{ x \in \mathbb R^d \mid Ax \le b \}\) where \(A\) is an \(m \times d\) real matrix with rows \(\{ a_i \}_{i \in [m]}\) and \(b\) is an \(m \times 1\) vector with entries \(\{ b_i \}_{i \in [m]}\), the boundary intersection problem involves finding the smallest \(t_0 \in [0, 1]\) such that
where \(p(t)\) is the trajectory between \(x\) and \(\tilde x\) (e.g. a line segment). When the trajectory between the initial point and the proposed point is more complicated, that is
where \(\{ \phi_i \}_{i \in [k]}\) is a set of basis functions (e.g. polynomials \(\phi_j(t) = (t - t_0)^j\)) and \(\{ c_i \}_{i \in [k]}\) is a set of \(k\) points in \(\mathbb R^d\), the equation becomes
which, in general, has no closed-form solution and needs numerical methods. For example in the collocation method, one should reside in Newton-based methods (for instance the MPSolve package for polynomial curves) or interior-point methods (using COIN-OR IPOPT) in case the problem is approached from a non-linear optimization perspective or a transform-based approach, such as the Chebyshev transform, for the Lagrange basis evaluated on the Chebyshev nodes.
Langevin Diffusion
Another method used for MCMC sampling is the (Underdamped) Langevin Diffusion. The Langevin Diffusion has a long story in physics: it is a Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) that describes the Brownian Motion, which models the random movement of a molecule in a fluid due to collisions with other molecules. The well-known formulations of the Langevin Diffusion process involve the standard Langevin Diffusion (LD), and the Underdamped Langevin Diffusion (ULD).
Back to sampling, the LD process evolves via the following SDE
where \(B_t\) is a standard Brownian Motion. If we discretize the above SDE with the Euler-Maruyamma method, that is
and combine it with a Metropolis filter, we can sample from a stationary measure proportional to \(\exp(-f(x))\), that is the Langevin MCMC algorithm. Moreover, the form that is most similar to HMC is the ULD process described by the following SDE
where \(u = 1 / L\), and \(L\) is the smoothness constant of the negative log probability function \(f(x)\), that converges to a stationary measure similar to HMC, that is \(\pi(x, v) \propto \exp \left (- f(x) + \frac L 2 \| v \|^2 \right )\). Our current software supports ULD sampling using the Randomized Midpoint Method for discretization described in this paper by Shen, and Lee.
Using the API (C++ and R)
Currently, the project comes out with two API flavours: C++ and R. While the R interface will work better for beginner users and simpler applications, the C++ interface is in general faster (but harder to program). Both APIs are based on the same philosophy: One needs to define a functor for the negative log-probability \(f(x)\) and its negative gradient \(- \nabla f(x)\) so that the HMC/ULD samplers can operate using this oracle information. For the R API we provide the following simple example which showcases the straightforward use of the R API to sample. All the user needs to do is to define the following functions
f <- function(x) {
# Return negative log-probability
grad_f <- function(x) {
# Return negative log-probability gradient
which are given (and wrapped) by the C++ back-bone through the sample_points
function. For more information on how to use the R interface of the project, we redirect the interested reader to this tutorial.
For the C++ API we provide this example for operation. In this case we define the CustomFunctor
super-class which contains three sub-classes:
- The
which is a functor responsible for returning all the derivatives of the HMC ODE, which is considered to have the general form of
which in the case of HMC has \(n = 2\) and returns the pair \((v, - \nabla f(x))\) using the index counter after transforming the higher-order ODE to a first-order ODE in a higher-dimensional space. The same functor definitions can be used to define higher-order ODEs (for other applications) via the same transformation:
These ODEs can also be restricted to a Cartesian product of domains \(K_1, \dots, K_n\) (which in the case of HMC is \(K \times \mathbb R^d \subseteq \mathbb R^d \times \mathbb R^d\)).
class is a functor that returns \(f(x)\) with theoperator()
method- The
class which holds any required parameters and must contain the derivative order of the oracle.
Below, we give the reader a taste of the results using the function \(f(x) = \| x \|^2 + \mathbf 1^T x\) which has a mode at \(x = - \frac 1 2 \mathbf 1\) in \(d = 1\) dimensions restricted to \([-1, 1]\) using HMC (via the C++ back-end).

and the same distribution (with the R API) truncated to the set \(K = [-1, 2]\).

Bonus: ODE solvers API (C++ and R)
We also provide the standalone ode solvers for solving an ODE of the form \(\frac {d^n x} {dt^n} = F(x, t)\) where each temporal derivative of \(x\) is restricted to a domain (H-polytopes supported only). Examples for C++ and R can be found here.
VolEsti is able to scale efficiently to multiple dimensions and compete with TensorFlow and mc-stan. Below we showcase an comparison of drawing \(N = 1000\) samples using the Leapfrog method in VolEsti, mc-stan, and Tensorflow for a range of dimensions \(d \in \{1, \dots 100 \}\). We provide a semilog-y plot of the ETA as a function of the dimensions. As we observe VolEsti is significantly faster than its counterparts from 1000 to 100 times, for a large number of dimensions in the truncated case. We have used the density \(f(x) = (x + \mathbf 1)^T x\) with a gradient of \(\nabla f(x) = x + \mathbf 1\), where \(\mathbf 1\) is the \(d\)-dimensional vector with all entries equal to 1. We also compare how VolEsti scales when truncation is imposed. More specifically, we use the same density negative log-probability of \(f(x) = (x + \mathbf 1)^T x\), defined either on \(\mathbb R^d\) (un-truncated setting) or to the \(d\)-dimensional cube \(\mathbb H_d = \{ x \in \mathbb R^d \mid \| x \|_{\infty} \le 1 \}\). The comparisons are compiled to a Colab notebook here.

mc-stan Reference Manual for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. Source.
TensorFlow Reference Manual for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. Source.
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Lee, Yin Tat, Ruoqi Shen, and Kevin Tian. “Logsmooth Gradient Concentration and Tighter Runtimes for Metropolized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.04121 (2020).
Shen, Ruoqi, and Yin Tat Lee. “The randomized midpoint method for log-concave sampling.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2019.
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